Matias received his first official haircut on Sun. He watch Sesame Street and I cut.
The results we not to bad, just really short bangs :)
I have been really busy I started my first week back at Dakota Woodlands, working as the receptionist. So far so good! I am really happy to have something to occupy my time and keep me busy. When the holiday season starts I will be coordinating adopt-a-family and other Holiday time donations. Which was so much fun last year, so I am very happy to be part of that again.
I am working on applying to social work school. I have to track down academic references and write out my statements, It is quite a bit of work! But I am overjoyed at being able to pursue my dreams. I just hope I get in to school!!! Someone will take me. (I hope)
The other thing that I have noticed is that SAD is back (Season affective disorder) So get out and enjoy outside and the sun if it rears its ugly head!!!
What is so interesting about these past 2 weeks is how by losing my job, I have got my butt into gear. I thought after graduation that I should try to do something that was relevant to the "internships" that I had. In reality that path was not really what I wanted to do or really what my gifts are. I don't know why I did not realize that before. Well I guess that is what getting older and wiser is all about. I really wish sometimes I could go back in time and give my self a kick in the ass.....