Hello Thursday!
This week has drag on and on, I am glad that tomorrow I go to work at Dakota Woodlands for the whole day, I need that balance to be a good parent. Last night we had ECFE and it was great to be back! We met some new parents and some of our old classmates were there. It is such a great place to be yourself and let it all hang out. But the most exciting thing of all is was we were able to annouce that :

Baby Vega 2 will be here in late March or early April, we are super excited to contiune on our journey in parenthood!
Today we will be getting outside to enjoy the day and hopefully wearing this little toodler out, it is hard to wake up at 6 am!!! I also plan to get some sewing done tonight! Here's to a good day!
Congratulations!! I am so excited for you guys!
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