Umm, How do you get an almost 2 year old to eat his veggies?
Heck if I know! I watched Matias hover his chix'n nugets. Soy is a veggie right! I also served him broccoli and potatoes (with cheese spinkled on top). It is now almost 4:30 and he has yet to eat one piece of broccoli or potato in an hour. He is however transferring them from the bowl to the plate saying "no thank you".
At least we are starting to get the manners down...
Friday, August 29, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
4 months until 2!
Reading in from the Design Mom blog the guest blogger got my brain a-thumping! She said that when her son turned 3 they threw him a birthday parade. Just told neighbors to bring strollers ect. and threw balloons on everything had a parade. How cool is that! and smart!
Matias is turning 2 in 4 short months! First. (sob) Second, we are really working hard on finances getting out debt and saving money. So we really need to be frugal with the party. Things that Matias likes:
Dancing-most potential a dance party with cake and ice cream?!
Overall things are well and going along. We are doing gearing up to head back to ECFE and cooler weather. Hopefully surving the RNC, so close to our house? My Dad is working security so he will be around all next week and I have lots of projects for him to help with the house ;)
For a slightly amusing story about protesters at the DNC check out Bob Collions post! (Whom is the funniest and smartest news authority evah!) and this link took about 20 minutes to locate!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Why I love Amys
This is a post about 2 Amys
1. Amy Sedairs
I love her because she lets me know it is ok to be goofy and cheese balls are an excellent way to entertain.
She also can challenge Martha Stewart.
2. Amy Nordquist
She makes the world a happier place and is a brave lady. I wish her well for the next even number of months as she journeys to serve her county! A nurse and all around medical guru. She will be getting guys and gals home safe that have been injured, fighting in the war. We will be thinking about you. Also thanks for lending your husband to come and cut up/dig out our basement :)
1. Amy Sedairs
I love her because she lets me know it is ok to be goofy and cheese balls are an excellent way to entertain.
She also can challenge Martha Stewart.
2. Amy Nordquist
She makes the world a happier place and is a brave lady. I wish her well for the next even number of months as she journeys to serve her county! A nurse and all around medical guru. She will be getting guys and gals home safe that have been injured, fighting in the war. We will be thinking about you. Also thanks for lending your husband to come and cut up/dig out our basement :)
Friday, August 22, 2008
The Great MN Get Whatever
In my former life I was a 4-H'er. My favorite thing about being in 4-h was the three days that I lived at the MN State Fair. We slept there, showed our projects and ate there. The cafeteria was disgusting, so who was I to argue about eating fair food to live on for 3 whole days!
I really want to share my love of the state fair with Matias, but It really seems like a horrible place to bring a toddler. I know countless families go, but it just seems hot and a lot of money. Would Matias even understand that you can get all the milk you want for odd change or a woman's head craved in butter. A picture of Elvis made with seeds, I doubt it. So we shall skip the state fair this year and maybe for about 10 more. Which really makes me miss my corn dog from the stand by the fine art building :(
I really want to share my love of the state fair with Matias, but It really seems like a horrible place to bring a toddler. I know countless families go, but it just seems hot and a lot of money. Would Matias even understand that you can get all the milk you want for odd change or a woman's head craved in butter. A picture of Elvis made with seeds, I doubt it. So we shall skip the state fair this year and maybe for about 10 more. Which really makes me miss my corn dog from the stand by the fine art building :(
Monday, August 11, 2008
Hello World!
Hi Monday!
We have been busy watching the Olympics, organizing cupboards, changing habits, and having some goofy fun!
A less busy week ahead of us, which will be marked with my Dad staying with us Tomorrow and Wed nights. Free babysitting! Sweet! and his company ;)
Taking it easy this weekend helped me out with catching up on sleep and feeling refreshed. Not to mention all the QT I spent with Luis and Matias. I love those weekends. Just updated my 101 list and I have 3 things completed! Sweet!
Today got the book club book from the library and I will be finishing it by Thurs. My reading has puttered out when I finishing breaking dawn at the end of last week. I was the same way after Harry Potter was over. Nothing could be as quite as good as it for a moment. But I had read some crappy books before breaking dawn so it will be nice to have something interesting and good to read!
Back to posting this week!
Take Care!!!!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Big Top Chautauqua- 8.2.08
Over the weekend My mom, Barb (my godmother) and I journeyed to the Big Top Chautauqua
To see this lovely band! The Walin' Jennys! I had never heard them before, I was not disappointed and I have never enjoyed live music so much. Maybe it was the big tent or the music. Who will ever know. But sometimes it makes it so worth it just to be with "your people" on a beautiful summer night enjoying music.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Having to much fun screws with produtivity!

Hellooo! After a great week of posting. this week not so much :(
Anyhow, I'm back and not fully recovered from this past weekend or week.
We of course attended the LeMay's wedding and it was breathtakingly beautiful up at Enger park. Of course I had to see most of the wedding from wherever Matias was wandering too. He did great for being in the car for so long, but he needed to stretch his legs, by finding ants, rocks to climb on, and holes to dig. The best part of the ceremony (beside the commitment Sam and Paul made) was Dr. Kempe's quote of Sara McGlachen. (Xtra-credit in anatomy anyone) It was great to see all of my friends from High School and Laura F. who reads the blog! Hi Laura!
I love hearing what is happening in peoples lives and so grateful that all of us have turned out to be happy healthy people! Good Job guys!
I also had a great time at the concert with my mom and Barb. We went to celebrate 6 years cancer free! Woohoo! I was really weepy during the concert, because I felt so at home. But I will post later about the whole experience!
Anyhow, I'm back and not fully recovered from this past weekend or week.
We of course attended the LeMay's wedding and it was breathtakingly beautiful up at Enger park. Of course I had to see most of the wedding from wherever Matias was wandering too. He did great for being in the car for so long, but he needed to stretch his legs, by finding ants, rocks to climb on, and holes to dig. The best part of the ceremony (beside the commitment Sam and Paul made) was Dr. Kempe's quote of Sara McGlachen. (Xtra-credit in anatomy anyone) It was great to see all of my friends from High School and Laura F. who reads the blog! Hi Laura!
I love hearing what is happening in peoples lives and so grateful that all of us have turned out to be happy healthy people! Good Job guys!
I also had a great time at the concert with my mom and Barb. We went to celebrate 6 years cancer free! Woohoo! I was really weepy during the concert, because I felt so at home. But I will post later about the whole experience!
This week has been really busy, I worked at the County Fair and had early chamber things today and yesterday. Needless to say I have been pretty worthless around the house.
I have been reading Breaking Dawn but I am not close to finishing it. I will also have to re-read it because I keep falling asleep while reading. I should be reading A Thousand Splendid Suns, for book club next week. I plan to tackle that book this weekend. Plus I have to two books from the library that need to get read as well. I am toying with the idea of making a list of all the books I have read and want to will read, just to see how many I can.
In reality, I could sooo use a decent shower and a day of beauty. Luis polite declined to be my masseur, nail/Pedi tech, and hairstylist J Even though yesterday I asked him really really nicely.
Whew, this is why blogging is a great because who else would want to listen to my random thoughts, beside my computer J.
This weekend, I plan to get my Big Top post up and one about first kisses. Work in the garden, play outside and bond with my little guy and hubby as much as I can. (I have been missing them both this week) OH and Matias asked me to dance last night could anything be more precious! And he has really started to say Thank you! (Thanks to someone off of facebook for the picture of Matias it is so perfect to describe his temperament lately and how he looks so dark!)
Random thought: In some places it is winter right now!
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