Last Night I told Matias all about Emiliana's song, and then he was asking me to play his. (then I thought blogpost:)) But when I was pregnant with both kids, songs shaped their idenity to me. When I hear that song it describes how I felt or the mood that insipred their upbringing and shaping. So without further ado I present
Maitias Song: Gotta have you, The Weepies
Emiliana Song: Me and Armini, Emiliana Torini
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009

Look we know how to study! We are having a lot of fun with iphoto. In actually we are not really having fun, reading about how you can get sued as a social worker ect ect. I have had a couple of accidents with caffeine over the last few days. Tonight I had a med esspresso drink and realized at the end of drinking it, that is was not decaf (cue Homer Simpson "Doh") Then on class on Friday, I had a Starbucks double shot, and realize after I had drank it, it was a + Energy....what?!? I was a chatterbox, good thing I had class and it was ok, and everyone knew about my little over caffeinated+energy problems. So in up coming days I hope to take it a little easy on all things caffinated.
In other news, I am trying a new approach to doing homework here, I am sure it will be one of many but the 2 weeks no school is a little hard to manage, you are not held as accountable, when you only show up every other week. However, here is my plan week 1 read, read, read. Have reading completed by Wed. This is crazy talk, but a good goal to have. Then let the writing commence or and interviews, that will be just dandy! Shannon, my partner for this project said she will think of a doozy problem to present me with in our planned interview! I have a more serious post to finish up that does not involve iphoto. I PROMISE!!
In baby2 news, I think Milli is sprouting her first tooth, I felt the little ridge, which means I will need to get lots of gummy kisses in the next few days. Because there is really nothing better than gummy kisses! Until then, I will be back with Milli's 6 month photos.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
MN Love
Luis and I went to the Prairie Home Companion Street Dance last night, it was such a blast. We went after the kiddos were in bed and sang some songs and danced a little. It was the perfect fall night and twinkle lights. It made me really happy to be there. That is why I love MN.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
New Moon
After Twilight I was not sure, but this trailer looks amazing, (Did I mention how much I love dramatic opera singing in movie trailers) I was talking with someone about this series and how much I love it, how it can transport me to my other life. So I just officially got excited for New Moon. Plus, I am really excited by Dakota Fanning growing up, what a beauty and amazing talent!
I am sure that this movie will be much more blockbuster than twilight was, I noticed that tickets were already on sale for the midnight show! Maybe I can convince my dad to take me again over Thanksgiving, after last year I am not sure he will go with much if any enthusiasm....
Monday, September 21, 2009
The sound of typing

The sound of typing is going on a lot more than it used to around here. I thought I would jump on my blog and start writing for today. Because why not.
I have started to adjust my rountine around here. I am getting up ealrier than I used to, which is really awsome. It allows me time to get my thoughts and things toghter for the day and I like that. It seems like my head is floating around with 50 billion thoughts and being up in the morning gets me going, has made me wake up and smell the coffee.
We had a great weekend. We took it easy. I enjoyed the kids and I hope they enjoyed me.
Well I am off to a exciting day of receipting! We are off to the library tonight for some easy reads! Then off to bed, and me off to do homework!
Saturday, September 19, 2009

We are having a little fun with I photo this morning and it is keeping Matias Busy!
Also Milli decided that this morning she would do some backwards crawling, and getting up on hands and knees, the child is a manic, we waited 10 months for Maitias to army crawl around! What a change! Have a great Saturday!
*Edit: I Have always wondered where Milli gets her super crazy big eyes, but I see exactly where the below face comes from and it IS a my scary eyed twin (with darker complexion of course ;))

Monday, September 14, 2009
things start to sprial
Hello Monday.
I have been waiting for you all weekend. This past weekend marked the first weekend of classes and it was a little crazy. I was so glad that I was not the only person who walked out of Sat. morning class shitting my pants. But I made it though. Actually, it was exciting because everyone really wanted to be there and to experience the experience. I am excited that it is all about something I want to learn and more importantly, going to my intership. I already really like it there. I practicing really hard listening and observing and not to share to many personal issues. Because where I am at know I can tend to do to much of that.
I really missed the kids last week, it was hard to say goodbye every morning and not be there and know that I would not be home until much later then normal. Matias watched the new PBS kids show dinosaur train with all of his dinosaurs lined up in front of the Tv. Milli tried rice cereal with little success. (a resulting trip to urgent care as a matter of fact) She is fine and enjoyed the ceral, but we are still over to the allergist this week to make sure she is ok.
We also attended a wedding that was very dear to my heart, even though I missed the vows due to school, still Luis took some lovely pictures. Ellen and Eric said I do on Sept the 12th and we are so happy for them and Leo. Also check out the picture, that is her amazing backyard garden!!! How can I even compete :) Well I am off to write a paper all about me and my crazy family.
P.S. I lost 4 pounds on w.w. last week!!!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Break Up
Yesterday I broke up with Perez.
Perez you ask...yes Perez Hilton.
It was an awesome 2.5 years. Thanks for it all!
Perez you ask...yes Perez Hilton.
It was an awesome 2.5 years. Thanks for it all!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Have 200 pages of reading to do before Sept 11th the first day of classes...(insert mild heart attack)
Not to mention sleeping in our house lately is weird, so weird. Last night Matias had a pretty bad bout with food poisoning. He was barfing between 8:30 and 2am. The glamorous joys of being a mom. So I slept downstairs with Milli in our room and Luis up with Matias. Five hundred loads of laundry later, I think Matias is feeling better. Both kids are taking a long nap right now which I can not complain one bit about!
On the bright side we learned some important tips. Save your baby bathtub from the hospital makes an awesome emergency barf bucket. Matias always is a good kid even, when he is sick. He was uncomfortable yet oddly happy, during the whole ordeal. Most important tip, Lilo and Stitch solves everything for a 2.5 year old who is sick in the night! I was also really proud of how both Luis and I handled the situation. Let's face it this is the part of parenting that makes the flight or fight response come out. Oddly Luis and I always do well in these higher stake situations, the dishes is a whole other story...
Oh and the reading....well hopefully I get my books from amazon soon....
I have a few things to finish up in the house over the weekend, curtains int he dining room 1st and foremost! Cleaning the storage closet which I always seem to be cleaning. Making 1 more trip to goodwill and organizing cupboards. I really want to start next week with a clean house and fresh start. My plan is to use the blog to get me a writing mood in order to write papers so I hope to keep this up as school starts. Until then!
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