Look we know how to study! We are having a lot of fun with iphoto. In actually we are not really having fun, reading about how you can get sued as a social worker ect ect. I have had a couple of accidents with caffeine over the last few days. Tonight I had a med esspresso drink and realized at the end of drinking it, that is was not decaf (cue Homer Simpson "Doh") Then on class on Friday, I had a Starbucks double shot, and realize after I had drank it, it was a + Energy....what?!? I was a chatterbox, good thing I had class and it was ok, and everyone knew about my little over caffeinated+energy problems. So in up coming days I hope to take it a little easy on all things caffinated.
In other news, I am trying a new approach to doing homework here, I am sure it will be one of many but the 2 weeks no school is a little hard to manage, you are not held as accountable, when you only show up every other week. However, here is my plan week 1 read, read, read. Have reading completed by Wed. This is crazy talk, but a good goal to have. Then let the writing commence or and interviews, that will be just dandy! Shannon, my partner for this project said she will think of a doozy problem to present me with in our planned interview! I have a more serious post to finish up that does not involve iphoto. I PROMISE!!
In baby2 news, I think Milli is sprouting her first tooth, I felt the little ridge, which means I will need to get lots of gummy kisses in the next few days. Because there is really nothing better than gummy kisses! Until then, I will be back with Milli's 6 month photos.
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